Lodaer Img

Bachelor Degree


2. Bachelors Degree - The Science of 100% Pure Essential Oils (1000 Points)
Learn the entire process of producing the highest quality 100% pure essential oils which includes growing, harvesting, extracting the oil, testing, and bottling. Watch 3 videos and complete 3 quizzes to earn your Bachelor Degree from The Oil University. (Estimated Time To Complete: 25 Minutes - Earns 1000 Loyalty Points with approximate value of 1 FREE bottle)
Module 1 Farming, Bottling, and Science Behind Pure Essential Oils
Complete 3 videos & 3 quizzes to earn your Bachelor's degree
Unit 1 Where and How Plants/Seeds are Grown and Harvested
Unit 2 Bottling and GC/MS Testing
Unit 3 Introduction to Jade Bloom
Unit 4 Love Is Sharing...Tell Your Friends And Family About JBU